Honor Valor Courage Corporation
VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE is a Delaware C Corporation EIN # 86-1621451 Federal DUNS Number 117963599 . The registered address of the corporation is 3004 5th Ave. Altoona. PA 16602. Principal Equity Holders and principal Intellectual Property Holder in Veterans National Center and Technology Educational Institute is Dennis M. Butts Chariman.
Mr. Butts is the Chairman of Veterans National Center & Technology Educational Institute. Mr. Butts is A highly decorated Vietnam Veteran and was awarded three Purple Heart Medals as a Forward Observer with Delta 212 Marines attached to First Battalion Ninth Marines (1/9) known as the Walking Dead and the All American Hero Award in 2013 at the Hero Ball during the 2013 Inauguration. There have been three books written about Mr. Butts in Vietnam and his time working with troop with PTSD and TBI. Letters to Mon, Still the Monkey and Beyond the Wall the Journey Home. He was the HOST and producer of the acclaimed cable TV Show After Action Report for four years and now being relaunch this fall on THEVETERANS.LIVE broadcasting Network.
VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE under an agreement with Veterans Sunrise Center, Inc. 501 C 3 to donate a percentage of the profits to the 501 C 3 from the VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONL INSTITUTE to support the ongoing operations and programs.
The project at VETERANS SUNRISE CENTER will consist of all programs planned for the Veterans Sunrise Center 501 C-3 and all programing from HVCC Educational Institute, The National Veterans Education Institute and the 13 HVCC Academies all Honor Valor Courage Corporation 34 divisions and LLCs will be involved in the project.
The company has been filed in Delaware as a C Corporation and we have obtained our Federal Employer Identification number EIN for VETERAS SUNRISE CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE. VETERANS SUNRISE CENTER, Inc. carries a full 501 C-3 federal certification. HVCC carries a full Government DUNs Number and Veteran Owned and Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business SDVOSB eligible designation.