Honor Valor Courage Corporation

                                                                                                      Harry E. Wagner  

Honoring Harry E. Wagner - United States Marine Corps, killed April 5, 1967, Street of No Joy, Viet Nam
We never got to fulfill the dream of college together now we will a thousand time.   Dennis M. Butts


An HVCC Corporate Foundation Program


The HONOR College Program is focused around the STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines. This is an Honors Program where the applicants must have a minimum of 4.5 proficiency conduct rating and be reviewed by our review board and by the college before being accepted into the program. One hundred percent of the veteran’s tuition, room and board, books, labs and other costs are covered by the Honor Valor Courage Foundation. The Veteran must have been a combat veteran, serving under fire, displaying Valor and the Courage to go before the screening board and continue in the demands of the highest standards to be eligible for this program. A limited number each year, of veterans will be accepted into this very prestige’s unit. This unit will follow a military protocol with revile and mess at determined times, with required physical fitness testing. If two classes are miss for unexcused reason the veteran will be consider AWOL and terminated from the program.

 The HVCC Honor College Program Scholarship is also awarded to deserving High School Student who sign a pledge to pursue a career in the military nursing, nursing for veterans or nursing regarding veterans Programs or related medical fields to support our troop and veterans.


The Valor College Program is designed to recognize outstanding achievement by our students in our Trades Education Programs. Under this program, students who have completed their courses in their chosen trade field and who have displayed outstanding ability, initiative and character while in the Trade School will be offer the Valor College Program Scholarship and accepted into the HONOR COLLEGE PROGRAM with all the rights awarded to the Honors College Program to pursue a full four year college degree in their chosen field such as Engineering, Architecture or other related field. A total of four possible Valor College Programs Awards will be awarded each year.

HVCC Valor Trade School Scholarship Program is also available for any High School student who wishes to enter trade school. Scholarships are awarded for each year.  Please request rule and a application in writing with Veterans qualifying answers to Honor Valor Courage Corporation Scholarships.


The Courage College Program is a very special program set aside to honor the courage of a special group of young woman who have entered into our Empowered Women’s Program of the Culinary Academy. These woman have come from across the country who have been unable to find proper housing and employment since leaving the military. They are a special group of woman displaying tremendous COURAGE, not just to travel and enter a program to better themselves, but also the COURAGE to say to other woman homeless veterans or near homeless veterans, there is hope and there is a place to learn and work. To be recognized for the COURAGE it takes to change their SITUATION, CONDITION and ENVIROMENT therefor, their DOMINATE THOUGHT of who and what there are. Fantastic veterans, our country best! From this group each year, we will honor four outstanding veteran woman for their service and COURAGE and who while studying at the Culinary Academy have reached out to other homeless woman veterans and also helping homeless veterans in the local communities. Who have gone over and above to spend time with our WW II, Koran, Viet Nam, Desert Storm and Iraq/Afghanistan Veterans with our HONOR OUR VETERAN NIGHTS.  For this, we will select four woman to enter the HONOR College Program each year with all right of the Honors College Program to pursue a four year college degree in the Culinary Art.