Honor Valor Courage Corporation
HVCC FORCE SECURITY GROUP is involved in all areas of security from physical, data, UAV Intrusion and force protection. HVCC FORCE SECURITY GROUP is responsible for all security at all project that HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION is involved. ​
This division is under the direction of Andrew R. Butts CEO, DPO, CPO Data Security and Physical Force Security. Andrew bring his expert experience in many areas of security and management to HVCC FORCE SECURITY GROUP. Andrew is a Marine Corps Combat Veteran who serviced in Afghanistan with 4th LAR Light Armed Recon.
​HVCC FORCE SECURITY GROUP is a provider of Dedrone Hardware and Software Systems. We protect you assets from unwanted drones and UAVS attacks by letting our friendly UAVs and DRONE We protect Stadiums, data centers, solar farms, power substations wind power turbines and many other assets.
HVCC FORCE SECURITY GROUP provides Celebrity and Athletes Security "For High Profile Clients" protects all assets including homes, car and people from terrorism, bad actor and drone attacks worldwide. This has become a major concern with high profile clients. Actors, Athletes, Coaches are under attack from all types of intrusions, some are just announces and other are hostile and want to kill or harm celebrity and athletes and other high profile people. Our program keep you private and secure in and around your home from the air-ground-sea and gives your options on how to deal with any intrusions.
HVCC Security Group is a provider of DRONE DEFENSE SERIES PROGRAM. Protecting you​ assets from the air-ground-sea-and cyber attacks.
HVCC FORCE SECURITY GROUP is armed with the latest weapons and will soon be equipped this the CASC (PGB (Programmable Glass Bullet)