Honor Valor Courage Corporation

HVCC MEDICAL SERVICES provides many medical services to our Veterans as well Combat Arms Systems Corporation, WorldGate Community International  and Indian Nations. 

These services include Medical UniDoc  Systems,  Urgent Care, medical equipment, medical facilities and completely turnkey centers including construction and staffing. We work with one of the leading medical schools in the world to provide Doctor, nurses and medical techs for our centers in the US, for our veterans, Indian Nations and  WorldGate Community International. 

HVCC MEDICAL SERVICES is currently working on project under MOUs for developing major medical centers, a 100 room micro-hospital with advanced medical services including er and Urgent Care at the Five Star 1000 room casino, resort, port, harbor Project. These project are  5 billion dollar  WorldGate Community International on Sponsored Islands.  WorldGate Community International is the facilitator for the entire project. 

HVCC MEDICAL SERVICES is working with many veterans, veterans groups, veterans Fraternal Organizations and the Veterans Administration on programs to bring OrCam products and other vision impaired products to those Group. Vietnam veterans are experience symptoms of vision impairment from Agent Orange and TBI.  (Traumatic Brain Injury)

Services for Blind and Visually Impaired Veterans There are approximately 130,428 veterans in the US who are legally blind, and more than one million veterans who have low vision that causes a loss of ability to perform necessary daily activities.

​There are approximately 130,428 veterans in the US who are legally blind, and more than one million veterans who have low vision that causes a loss of ability to perform necessary daily activities. Those figures are expected to increase in the years ahead as more veterans from the Korean and Vietnam conflicts develop vision loss from age-related diseases such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.

The VA provides blind and vision rehabilitation programs to eligible veterans and active duty members who are visually impaired.  The VA is the first national healthcare system to completely and seamlessly integrate rehabilitation services for patients with visual impairments into its health benefits.  This ensures that patients receive the finest medical and rehabilitation care, as well as cutting-edge assistive technology.

Unaware, Undiagnosed

Cockerham and Goodrich find that hemianopsias and other vision injuries are far more common than anyone had expected. Goodrich estimates that at least 6,000 Iraq and Afghanistan vets have suffered visual damage as a result of brain injury.
"Because some of these are very subtle," says Goodrich, "we don't catch them as often as we would like to."
One reason that so many vision problems go un-diagnosed is that soldiers often don't realize they've been injured at all. For example, just being near an IED blast can, in some cases, be enough to cause a brain injury, including vision problems.
"Blasts have this huge pressure wave that comes from them," Goodrich says. "And the pressure wave does some rather unique things."
In a human body, that sudden pressure wave is like a powerful punch to the chest and stomach. The impact moves throughout the body, including to the brain where it can stretch or tear actual brain tissue. Brain cells can start to die off. If this damage takes place in the visual parts of the brain, that can mean vision problems, including hemianopsias.

Troublesome symptoms that many Vietnam veterans began to go through were neurological problems. These symptoms generally started off with blurry or burning vision with episodes of violence, anger, depression, frenzy, memory loss and lack of concentration. Some vets expressed episodes of severe personality changes and suicidal behavior. Tingling, numbness, headaches, twitching and loss of sensation are also symptoms related to the neurological impact of Agent Orange exposure.

HVCC MEDICAL SERVICES is now working of projects for the Indian Nations regarding vision impairment within the tribes. There are currently 100,400 Native American which are vision impaired. This program will be set up through non-profit organization and IHS Indian Health Services. 

The Indian Health Service is an operating division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. IHS is responsible for providing direct medical and public health services to members of federally-recognized Native American Tribes and Alaska Native people. IHS is the principal federal health care provider and health advocate for Indian people.