Honor Valor Courage Corporation

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                                                                                                                                        HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP

                                                                                                        HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER

                                                                              DIVISIONS OF HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION




Mr. Butts is the Chairman of Honor Valor Courage Corporation which has 36 divisions and LLCs, and 16 Academies. Mr. Butts is A highly decorated Vietnam Veteran and was awarded three Purple Heart Medals as a Forward Observer with Delta 212 Marines attached to First Battalion Ninth Marines (1/9) known as the Walking Dead and the All American Hero Award in 2013 at the Hero Ball during the 2013 Inauguration. Mr. Butts was inducted in the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor in 2021. There have been three books written about Mr. Butts in Vietnam and his time working with troops with PTSD and TBI. Letters to Mom, Still the Monkey and Beyond the Wall the Journey Home. He was the HOST and producer of the acclaimed  cable TV Show After Action Report for four years and now being relaunched this fall on THEVETERANS.LIVE  broadcasting Network. www.theveterans.live

It is important to understand that HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP is an internal company that only provides services to projects that Honor Valor Courage Corporation has a financial or business interest in or that Honor Valor Courage Corporation is a sales or marketing partner or representative.

2021 is already proving to be a banner year for HVCC Assembly & Logistic Group. for assembling & logistic contracts that can create careers and excellent paying jobs for our Veterans with new contracts coming projects in the national and international Defense Greater, WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONL

HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP is in charge and responsible for every component of all HVCC project from warehousing, ordering, assembling the components for shipping, labeling, and applying sensors, selection of modular builders, to shippers, the getting them off loaded and built. We are responsible for making this project work!

HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP is currently working on six major projects, WorldGate Community International (5) projects around the world, Veterans National Center & Technology Educational Institute projects and the development of A programmable Glass Bullet with Sandia National Labs and the Department of Energy “DoE”, HVCC FOOD GROUP and TEMP COAT.

These  are  huge programs for HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP and make HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP one of the Largest Assembly and Logistic Group in the United Stated.


                                                                                                                                                             PHUC LABS 

HVCC ASSEMBLY AND LOGISTIC GROUP has signed and agreement to provide all assembly and logistic for PHOU LABS PRODUCTS AND SYSTEMS. This will include all OEM agreement for PHUC LABS including HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATIONS, COMBAT ARMS SYSTEMS CORPORATION, HVCC ENERGY GROUP, INC. 

HVCC ASSEMBLY AND LOGISTIC GROUP will assembly over 18 products and systems for PHUC LABS including :

​PHUC AI  for abandon oil field for lithium and rare earth
PHUC AI for hard rock mining of lithium
PHUC AI for hard rock mining for rare earth
HHUC AI for diamond mining
PHUC AI for abandon oil site reclamation
PHUC AI for water purification
PHUC AI for coffee blend separation
PHUC ALINA coffee with CBD
PHUC AI for drug region identification and mapping
PHUC AI for Metal recycling
PHUC AI for Desalination
PGUC AI for Waste Recycling
PHUC AI for Plastic Recycling
PHUC AI for Critical Minerals Mining
PHUC AI for Agriculture Sorting
PHUC ALINA Mobile Water Purification Systems
PHUC ALINA Mobile Water Purification System LCS (Large Capacity Series)
PHUC ALINA Mobile Water Purification Systems SW  (saltwater)
PHUC ALINA Mobile Water Purification Systems BYOB  (bring your own bottle)
PHUC ALINA Mobile Water Purification System BIAB  (Business in a Box)

                                                                                                                                  PROGRAMMABLE GLASS BULLET


GROUP will be responsible for receiving, inventory, shipping and securing of all aspects of the Programmable Glass Bullet. This is a high security project and well suited for special operation veterans who will be assigned to secure every aspect of this operation.

HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION who as owner of the CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (In the United States, a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA or CRDA) is an agreement between a government agency and a private company or university to work together on research and development.) for the PGB, with Sandia National Labs and DoE. grants VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE (a subsidiary of HVCC) full rights to provide services to HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION for the PROGRAMMABLE GLASS BULLET program including but not limited to,  manufacturing rights, loading rights, all marketing commercial rights both national and international, all government agency marketing rights, all military, DOD, and Government contractors marketing right and all law enforcement marketing rights. As well manufacturing training, bullet loading training, sales agents training, logistic, warehousing, technology services, and transportation of  weapons and ammunition, and all licensing & permits for on-site operations.

The total value of the project is $4.8 Billion Dollars per year.




On WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL all buildings are to be built in the UNITED STATES including the HOTEL, VILLAS, MEDICAL CENTER, COMMERCIAL ZONE, SECURE DATA CENTER and CASINO, and shipped to the locations.  

HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP is responsible for all receiving, inventory, inventory management, labeling, tagging, cage location, shipping, port assignment, harbor assignment, offshore vertical envelopment, staging and helicopters for any WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL Project. HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP is also responsible for all ongoing resupply of every product required by and facility of the project. This includes everything from toilet paper to medicine.

This will require no one ship but up to 20 ocean going cargo ships which are coordinated with shipping companies by HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP.

The projected Monetized Market Value of each WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL project is estimated at $20,000,000,000 in five years and $80,000,000,000 in 10 years. With a CapEx of $5,000,000,000


VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE is a Delaware corporation that builds major veterans’ campuses for veterans’ education. There are two types of campuses.

HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP is responsible for all inventory, inventory management, warehousing, cage assignment in warehouse, shipping and logistic for each project campus.

HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP is responsible for all in bound frozen food shipment and logistic transportation to the campus on an un going bases. Average meals to be serves per campus 4,000 meals per day.

The VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES Campuses www.vnctei.com are designed to be duplicated in multiple locations throughout the United States. Each Campus may have a different appearance from the outside, but our programs are consistent at all locations. Each Campus is formed as a separate Limited Liability Company (LLC). We are developing two types of Campuses around the country. First Campus which we will develop for the ground up using modular construction technology known as VNCTEI OA Campuses and the second Indoor Campuses developed from former major Shopping Malls which have closed, and we renovate to VNCTEI requirement and specifications known as VNCTEI ID Campuses. All Campuses will be developing energy with Hydrogen Fuel Cell with Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas with microgrids and nanogrids creating a total off grid environment.

The  VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS are dedicated to advanced technology, HVCC Academies, 100MW Hydrogen Fuel Cell Plant utilizing Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas Plant with DER and EMS and 100% battery back up by IO Energy,  Secured Certified Data Center, Mirror SCIF (depending on location and fiber) with secured living quarters for personnel,  OC fiber ring and the 20,000 square foot HVCC Knowledge Center. The Campus will also be home to ISBN.LIVE, THEVETERANS.LIVE and NOW I UNDERSTAND,  BROADCASTING NETWORK's and studios.  The Campus will house a 500 seat lecture center for presentations to government agencies, government contractors, public presentations, Now I Understand Lectures and plays, product demonstrations and more. Each campus will provide campus veterans housing for student and families on the campus. Each campus will be able to house approximate 1000 Veterans Students who will attend classes full time or on our work study program, HVCC Academies or an apprentice at the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER. The housing is in the form of townhouses and condo's for married students and dorms for single student. All HYDROGEN FUEL CELL power utilizing Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas with utilities provided to the living quarters by VNCTEI HYDROGEN ENGERY, Inc. All energy for all building will be provided by VNCTEI HYDROGEN ENERGY at no cost to the students or building tenants . The Campus also will be home to the administration offices, for the VNCTEI HYDROGEN ENERGY. VNCTEI HYDROGEN EBERGY does not supply any HYDROGEN FUEL CELL with Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas outside of the Campus or for public consumption of energy. 

WORLDGATE VETERANS COMMUNITIES  will be connected to the Hydrogen Fuel Cell with Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas Power through our Microgrid and Nanogrids to those communities from the Hydrogen Fuel Cell with Natural Gas power plant. The homes and condo at  WorldGate Veterans Communities will be provided to veterans though long term leases and conditional agreements of over 20 years maturity and each WorldGate Veterans Communities (www.worldgatecommunityinternational.com) will have their own HYDROGEN FUEL CELL with Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas connected to our DER and EMS over our IO microgrids and nanogrids. The WorldGate Veterans Communities are not connected to the VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE in anyway except we offer the Veterans and their families the same educational and courses as we do to our students on campus through our MICROSOFT TEAMS NETWORKS for our HVCC ACADEMIES and college courses. Each home is connected to our central MICROSOFT TEAMS PBX as part of the basic HOA plan which includes lease or conditional fees, HYDROGEN Fuel Cells with Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas Power, MICROSOFT TEAMS PBX,  ground maintenance, snow removal and mores. All homes are owned by VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE. Each WORLDGATE VETERANS COMMUNITITES are planned for approximately 10,000 homes. 

​Campus Locations are under consideration for VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE Campuses around the country under our Mall Campus program. These campuses are located in former shopping mall which are bought and renovated to meet the requirement of VNCTEI Campuses. Each ID Campus must be a minimum of  800 to 1 million square feet.  Each Campus is a separate Limited Liability Company with the principal equity holder and managing member as Veterans National Center & Technology Education Institute.

VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE  under an agreement with Veterans Sunrise Center, Inc. 501 C 3 to donate a percentage of the profits to the 501 C 3 from the VETERANS NATIONAL CENTER & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONL INSTITUTE  to support the ongoing operations and programs. 


HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP is a global distributor for TEMP-COAT a major manufacture of TEMP-COAT is a liquid latex barrier form of insulation that has many uses for Industry, Commerce and the homeowner. We are known throughout the world for providing top-notch service and support. We also provide TEMP-COAT for Military applications and for ship operations. TEMP-COAT line includes over 20 different products.

HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP is a global distributor for TEMP-COAT a major manufacture of TEMP-COAT is a liquid latex barrier form of insulation that has many uses for Industry, Commerce and the homeowner. We are known throughout the world for providing top-notch service and support. We also provide TEMP-COAT for Military applications

HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP will be distributor for TEMP-COAT FB-520 for passive fire protection for residential, commercial, and industrial use. This amazing product will prevent structures from burning when applied before a forest fire. Any structure can utilize FB-520. It is sprayed of at any time before a fire.  HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP will not only distribute the FB-520 but will package the package the product in containers and ship for around the world under the HVCC FB-520 label. HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP will also be the provider of FIRE JELL the stop fire before the get out of control and will be utilized by HVCC UAV DRONE TECHNOLOGY GROUP on board their drones. The FIRE JELL will be used to stop forest fire in their tracts from the UAV DRONES as well as at WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL projects.

TEMP COAT FB 520 will also be applied to all wall, ceilings, doors, floors used in the two 1000 room five star Hotel and Vilas as well as all other building being built on Sauteurs Waterfront Destination to prevent structures for possible burning. This is a critical issue when all construction is being done by modular construction which contain wood. every building should be treated with FB-520. 

HVCC UAV DRONE TECHNOLOGY GROUP will be working with Elastic M2M to installs their tracking and sensors into the UAV DRONE to provide unparalleled data and performance points and inventory control though out the UAV DRONE industry and this work will be done by HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP.


HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP is the only entity in the world that provides a very unique Knowledge Center to consult and bid on contracts and develop Process Patents: The HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP Development and Integration Center also incorporate the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER where HVCC Family of Companies, partners, vendors, corporations and military client can come together to solve any issues or problems for the Governments, Military, Companies and Corporations around the globe. This process is unique in that as we receive a project, we open that project up to all our member companies at the HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP, and  HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER. The Members can evaluate the project and review the requirement from the RFP, RFI or request for consulting to HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER. At that point any Member who has input and desires to work on that project or consulting contract, will become part of the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER, PROJECT TEAM and will share in all income or revenue derived from that Project or Consulting Contract.


HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP announced the opening of their office for Federal, International, Military and Commercial Sales & Marketing, Product Development, and Integration at the “Integrated Solution Set” Demonstration and Development Center as well as the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER in Central Pennsylvania . The Center will open Winter of 2021. 

This amazing center will be home of HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP integration, research and testing technology center, which will be use in the development and integrations of advanced technology that HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP will use to build project throughout the world. This is the only center in the world focused totally on technology for the assembly and logistics for project around the world, with a complete Knowledge Center dedicated to providing consulting and bidding for Corporation, Governments, and Militaries around the Globe in the Assembly & Logistic markets.

This CENTER will be comprised of over 20,000 square feet of offices and technology development laboratories where every new technology that will be used in our projects, will be researched, tested and integrated with other technologies to form a complete integrated solution set. The HVCC KNOWEDGE CENTER will work with the amazing network of major Universities and Colleges located in Central PA for research and technology. Penn State is a leader in the UAV DRONE Technology regarding drone swarm technology. There are over 50 Colleges and Universities in Central PA. 

This includes housing technology, Telecommunication Technology, Hydrogen Fuel Cells Technology, solar energy technology, tracking technology, sensors technology, UAV DRONE community protection technology, heating and cooling technologies, broadcasting technology, internet technology, security technology, shipping technology and so much more.

HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER has currently over 100 companies that will be involved in the integrated process at the new facility and by year one we projected over one hundred (200) companies will be involved in the facility programs.  

Great companies like our own Honor Valor Courage Corporation and the HVCC Family of Companies, will all be involved to develop the  WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL projects.  WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL projects are Sponsored Islands with  two 1000 room luxury Hotels, Convention Center, Villas and Casino, with port harbor, medical Urgent Care Center, Five Star Resort. All projects are developed utilizing full green energy including Distributed Energy Resources (DER), The Grenada project will also incorporate wave energy in the project.

Each Member of the HVCC KNOWLEGDE CENTER  has a current agreement with the HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP for marketing/sales or are part of a Project Memorandum of Understanding and accepted in the HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP’S “INTEGRATED SOLUTION SETS CENTER” and the “HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER”. There is no direct cost to be a MEMBER in the HVCC KNOWLEDGY CENTER.

The HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGICTIC Development and Integration Center also incorporate the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER where HVCC Family of LLC. Companies, partners, vendors, corporations and military client can come together to solve issues or problems for the Governments, Military, Companies and Corporations around the globe. This process is very unique in that as we receive a project, we open that project up to all our member companies at the HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP, and HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER. The Members can evaluate the project and review the requirement from the RFP, RFI or request for consulting to HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP. At that point any Member who has input and desires to work on that project or consulting contract, will become part of the HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP, PROJECT TEAM and will share in all income or revenue derived from that Project or Consulting Contract.

HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP and HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER will then develop an agreement with the owner of the process or product if they wish, to develop an agreement through a Process Patent.  Where they and every Member who has had input and/or has performed work on that contract, will share in that Patent equal to their input or performance of the continuous royalties from that project or product that has resulted from the any contract or award if they so desire and HVCC Family of  Companies will develop future marketing and sales with them under the Patent.


HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP is responsible for all warehousing, inventory, inventory management, logistic, shipping of food products and frozen foods to WorldGate Community International projects and Veterans National Center & Technology Educational Institute Campuses. HVCC ASSEMBLE & LOGISTIC GROUP utilizes frozen, cold and shelf storage in our warehouses.

HVCC FOOD GROUP receives has contract with Northern Waters Fish Company for fresh lake fish catch in the Great Lakes by Canadian Native Indians Fishing Fleet. This is an exclusive contract with Northern Waters Fish Company. Northern Waters Fish Company also supplies crab, lobster, all kings of saltwater fish, pork and even bison products from Manitoba, Canada.

HVCC FOOD GROUP has exclusive contracts with RailRoad City Food Services to provide fresh vegetables, beef, poultry, and pork form the Amish growers and producers in Pennsylvania and Ohio.  




HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP announced the opening of their new office for Federal, International and Commercial Sales & Marketing, Integrated Solution Set Demonstration and Development Center as well as the Project Logistic Center in Altoona, Pa.  

This amazing center will be home of all HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP integration and testing of technology center which will be use in the development of all advanced projects that HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP will build for project throughout the world.

This CENTER will be comprised of over 200,000 square feet of offices and development laboratories and assembly space with complete logistic offices where every new technology we will used in our projects, we build, will be tested and integrated within other technologies to form a complete integrated solution set.

This includes hydrogen fuel cells, solar energy technology, tracking technology, sensors technology, UAV DRONE community protection technology, heating and cooling technologies, security technology, shipping technology and much more.

HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP has currently over fifty (100) companies that will be involved in integrated process at the new facility and by opening day we estimate we will have over 0ne hundred (200 ) companies involved in the facility operation.  

Great companies like our own 36 divisions and LLCs, companies involved it WORLDGATE COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL Sponsored Island projects which  include  1000 room Luxury Hotels, Convention Center, Condominium and Casino, port, harbor, medical Urgent Care Center, Five Star. All these projects are developed with full utilization of green energy, Distributed Energy Resources (DER).

 Each Member of the HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP has a current agreement with the Center for marketing/sales or are part of an Project Memorandum of Understanding and accepted in the HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP’S “INTEGRATED SOLUTION SETS CENTER” and the “HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER”. There is no direct cost to be a MEMBER in the HVCC KNOWLEDGY CENTER.

The HVCC Assembly & Logistic Group Integration Center also incorporate the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER where our LLC companies, partners, vendors and corporations can come together to solve any issues or problems for the Governments, Military, Companies and Corporations around the globe. This process is very unique in that as we receive a project we open that project up to all our member companies at the HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP, and HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER. The Members can evaluate the project and review the requirement for the RFP, RFI or request for consulting to HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER . At that point any member who has input and desires to work on that project or consulting contract, will become part of the HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP, PROJECT TEAM and will share in all income or revenue derived from that Project or Consulting Contract. We will then develop an agreement for a process patent where every member who has had input and/or has performed work on that contract, will share in that portion equal to that input or performance of the continues royalties from that project or product that has resulted from the contract or award if they so desire.

The HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC GROUP Center is under the direction of our Chief Technology Officer.


                                                                                                                                     A DIVISION OF HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION


Honor Valor Courage Corporation, HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER announced the opening of their office for Federal, International, Military and Commercial, Sales & Marketing, Product Development and Integration at the “Integrated Solution Set” Demonstration and Development Center located in Pennsylvania known as the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER.

The HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER has brought together all the HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION Families of Companies and currently forty 100 other companies (with soon to be over 200 other companies) together to form on integrated solution set for clients. The HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER is a Division of HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION

This amazing CENTER will be home of HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER integration, research, and testing technology center, which will be use in the development and integrations of advanced technology that HVCC FAMILY OF COMPANIES and its MEMBER companies will use to build projects throughout the world. This is the only center in the world focused totally on technology for assembly and logistics Security Technology on projects around the world. The HVCC has a complete Knowledge Center dedicated to providing consulting and bidding for Corporation, Governments, and Militaries around the Globe in the UAV/Drone markets.

The HVCC “INTEGRATED SOLUTION SETS” DEVELOPMENT CENTER & INTEGRATED LABS will be comprised of over 20,000 square feet of offices and technology development laboratories where every new technology that will be used in our projects, will be researched, tested and integrated with other technologies to form a complete integrated solution set.

This includes housing technology, telecommunication technology, hydrogen, hydrogen fuel cell, solar energy technology, tracking technology, sensors technology, UAV DRONE community protection technology, heating and cooling technologies, broadcasting technology, internet technology, security technology, shipping technology and so much more.

HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER has currently over 100 (100) companies that will be involved in the integrated process at the new facility and by year one we projected over two hundred (200) companies will be involved in the HVCC KKNOWLEDGE CENTER programs. 

Each Member of the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER has a current agreement with HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER for marketing/sales or are part of a Project Memorandum of Understanding and accepted in the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER “INTEGRATED SOLUTION SETS CENTER” CONCEPT. There is no direct cost to be a MEMBER in the HVCC KNOWLEDGY CENTER.

The HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER also incorporates the HVCC Knowledge Center “Contract & Bidding Center” (CBC) where HVCC Family of Companies, partners, vendors, corporations and military client can come together to solve issues or problems for Governments, Military, Companies and Corporations around the globe. This process is unique in that as we receive a project, we open that project up to all our member companies at the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER. The Members can evaluate the project and review the requirement regarding the RFP, RFI or request for Consulting which has been submitted to the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER. At that point, if the Contract or RIF, RFP is accepted, any Member who has input and desires to work on that project or consulting contract, will become part of the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER, project team and will share in any income or revenue derived from that Project or Consulting Contract.

HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER will then confer with the Principals of the project or contract if they want to keep the project or product proprietary or take out to the public. If they desire to take it to the public market, HVCC Assembly & Logistics Group will develop an agreement with the Principals of the process or product to develop Process Patent (A type of utility patent reserved for manufacturing or development processes in which a material or application is treated in a certain manner in order to change its characteristics or functionality for a particular application. The holder of a process patent has been granted the exclusive use of that particular manufacturing process) which includes all Member who has had input and/or has performed work on that contract.  All Members will share in that Process Patent equal to their input or performance of the continuous royalty’s income from that project or product if they choose to be part of the Process Patent. HVCC Family of Companies will develop a marketing and sales agreement with the of the Principals of the Patent.

The HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER make revenue by supplying the products and services of the HVCC Family of Companies to the MEMBER and on the projects, we bid or consult on.

The number of companies which Honor Valor Courage Corporation and the HVCC Family of Companies are very important to the HVCC KNOWLEDGY CENTER in that they bring a steady flow of projects to the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER from their contacts in all parts of the world and many Government Agencies both US and Foreign. This is the life blood of HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER along with the other 200 companies or more that will be part of the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER who will bring projects and clients to the center. 

The HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER becomes a center of magnitude of business that is unmatched in today’s business world.

The first things that had to be developed were to many sub businesses models of HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION and then the programs consisting of Corporations, Veteran Owned companies, Corporate Owned LLC. Specialty LLC to create the organization to develop the business with a single purpose mission statement of Educating our Veterans. We had to develop projects that were large enough to attract the major companies. We have done that!

HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER has developed a very profitable business model that is unlike any other business. The ability to bring hundreds of MEMBER Companies who will not only bring business to the HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER but also the intellectual knowledge of their own vast employee base’s is an incredible acknowledgment of what HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER is about.

The HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER low employee cost and high profit model is the envy in the market. Member like Battelle and Noblis who are two of the largest government consulting firms in the country spend hundreds of millions in payroll and benefits for staff and experts. HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER get the availability of that knowledge on project through our exclusive programs.  It is projected at this time our direct burn rate will not exceed at any time including projected payroll $2,500,000.00 per year on a projected revenue of $500,000,000 per year after year four.

The largest expense and use of funds of HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER involves expansion of facilities, monitoring center technology, the development of new LLCs., and increased UAV DRONE inventory, increase of technical installations teams, vehicles development and services vehicles, DEDRONE testing and demonstrational systems. HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER largest requirement is reserve capital for new projects which will come in at all time for major groups, Governments, agencies, commercial companies, defense and agricultural project.

It is important to understand that HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTER is a for PROFITA COMPANY and there for all projects are developed under a profit center mentality.

Contact Andrew R. Butts to find out more about becoming a MEMBER of the HVCC KNOWLWDGE CENTER with the DEVELOPMENT CENTER and INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY LABS. Andrew R. Butts is also the contact for all incoming projects and contracts. 

The HVCC ASSEMBLY & LOGISTIC Development Center and Integrated Technology Labs is under the direction of Andrew R. Butts, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer. 







HVCC Assembly & Logistic Group